Custom API v1.2 Documentation

POST  Authenticate
Method Name: LoginUser
Post information to URL:
Name Description
api_uId  *
api_key  *
Method  *
System user api_uId
System user api_key
For user authentication post Method property with value LoginUser
Example Request:
  "api_uId": "your_api_uId",
  "api_key": "your_api_key",
  "Method": "LoginUser"
Example Response:
  "response": "true",
  "message": "Successfully Authenticated"
Method Name: FetchAllGroups
Post information to URL:
Name Description
api_uId  *
api_key  *
Method  *
System user api_uId
System user api_key
To fetch all user groups post Method property with value FetchAllGroups
Example Request:
  "api_uId": "your_api_uId",
  "api_key": "your_api_key",
  "Method": "FetchAllGroups"
Example Response:
"response": "true",
"group": [
  "GroupId": "1",
  "TeamId": "15",
  "Added_by": "15",
  "GroupTitle": "Sample Group A"
  "GroupId": "2",
  "TeamId": "15",
  "Added_by": "15",
  "GroupTitle": "Sample Group B"
"message": "There are 2 groups"
Method Name: AddGroup
Post information to URL:
Name Description
api_uId  *
api_key  *
GroupTitle  *
Method  *
System user api_uId
System user api_key
Title of newly add group
To add new user group post Method property with value AddGroup
Example Request:
  "api_uId": "your_api_uId",
  "api_key": "your_api_key",
  "GroupTitle": "Sample Test Group",
  "Method": "AddGroup"
Example Response:
  "response": "true",
  "Added GroupId": 1,
  "message": "Group(Sample Test Group) has been successfully added"
Method Name: UpdateGroup
Post information to URL:
Name Description
api_uId  *
api_key  *
UpdateGroupTitle  *
GroupId  *
Method  *
System user api_uId
System user api_key
New title to update
Id of group to update
To update user previous group title post Method property with value UpdateGroup
Example Request:
  "api_uId": "your_api_uId",
  "api_key": "your_api_key",
  "UpdateGroupTitle": "Sample Test Group New",
  "GroupId": "1",
  "Method": "UpdateGroup"
Example Response:
  "response": "true",
  "GroupId": "1",
  "UpdateGroupTitle": "Sample Test Group New",
  "message": "Group has been successfully updated"
Method Name: DeleteGroup
Post information to URL:
Name Description
api_uId  *
api_key  *
GroupId  *
Method  *
System user api_uId
System user api_key
Group Id to delete
To delete user previous group post Method property with value DeleteGroup
Example Request:
  "api_uId": "your_api_uId",
  "api_key": "your_api_key",
  "GroupId": "1",
  "Method": "DeleteGroup"
Example Response:
  "response": "true",
  "GroupId": "1",
  "message": "Group has been successfully deleted"
Method Name: AddcustomField
Post information to URL:
Name Description
api_uId  *
api_key  *
FieldName  *
FieldType  *
Method  *
System user api_uId
System user api_key
Custom Field Name
Systme support FieldType are textbox ,textarea , date , radio , select
No Need of parameter FieldOptions for FieldType textbox ,textarea and date but require for FieldType radio and select
To add custom field in user account post Method property with value AddcustomField
Example Request:
Custom Field Add Textbox Example:

  "api_uId": "your_api_uId",
  "api_key": "your_api_key",
  "FieldName": "Age",
  "FieldType": "textbox",
  "Method": "AddcustomField"
Custom Field Add Textarea Example:

  "api_uId": "your_api_uId",
  "api_key": "your_api_key",
  "FieldName": "Comments",
  "FieldType": "textarea",
  "Method": "AddcustomField"
Custom Field Add Date Example:

  "api_uId": "your_api_uId",
  "api_key": "your_api_key",
  "FieldName": "Date Of Birth",
  "FieldType": "date",
  "Method": "AddcustomField"
Custom Field Add Radio button Example:

  "api_uId": "your_api_uId",
  "api_key": "your_api_key",
  "FieldName": "Gender",
  "FieldType": "radio",
  "FieldOptions": [
  "Method": "AddcustomField"
Custom Field Add Select/Drop down box Example:

  "api_uId": "your_api_uId",
  "api_key": "your_api_key",
  "FieldName": "Subjects",
  "FieldType": "select",
  "FieldOptions": [
  "Method": "AddcustomField"
Example Response:
  "response": "true",
  "FieldName": "age",
  "message": "Custom Field has been successfully added"
Method Name: UpdateCustomField
Post information to URL:
Name Description
api_uId  *
api_key  *
PreviousFieldName  *
newFieldName  *
Method  *
System user api_uId
System user api_key
Previous Custom Field Name
New Custom Field Name
Systme support newFieldType are textbox ,textarea , date , radio , select
No Need of parameter FieldOptions for newFieldType textbox ,textarea and date but require for newFieldType radio and select
To update custom field in user account post Method property with value UpdateCustomField
Example Request:
Custom Field Update Textbox Example:

  "api_uId": "your_api_uId",
  "api_key": "your_api_key",
  "PreviousFieldName": "Street Address",
  "newFieldName": "Company Address",
  "newFieldType": "textbox",
  "Method": "UpdateCustomField"
Custom Field Update Textarea Example:

  "api_uId": "your_api_uId",
  "api_key": "your_api_key",
  "PreviousFieldName": "Comments",
  "newFieldName": "Description",
  "newFieldType": "textarea",
  "Method": "UpdateCustomField"
Custom Field Update Date Example:

  "api_uId": "your_api_uId",
  "api_key": "your_api_key",
  "PreviousFieldName": "Date Created",
  "newFieldName": "Date Generated",
  "newFieldType": "date",
  "Method": "UpdateCustomField"
Custom Field Update Radio button Example:

  "api_uId": "your_api_uId",
  "api_key": "your_api_key",
  "PreviousFieldName": "Gender",
  "newFieldName": "Gendertest",
  "newFieldType": "radio",
  "FieldOptions": [
  "Method": "UpdateCustomField"
Custom Field Update Select/Drop down box Example:

  "api_uId": "your_api_uId",
  "api_key": "your_api_key",
  "PreviousFieldName": "Subjects",
  "newFieldName": "SubjectsTest",
  "newFieldType": "select",
  "FieldOptions": [
  "Method": "UpdateCustomField"
Example Response:
  "response": "true",
  "FieldName": "age",
  "message": "Custom Field has been successfully updated"
Method Name: CheckCustomField
Post information to URL:
Name Description
api_uId  *
api_key  *
FieldName  *
Method  *
System user api_uId
System user api_key
Custom Field Name
To check custom field exist in user account post Method property with value CheckCustomField
Example Request:
  "api_uId": "your_api_uId",
  "api_key": "your_api_key",
  "FieldName": "Age",
  "Method": "CheckCustomField"
Example Response:
  "response": "True",
  "FieldName": "Age",
  "message": "Provided Custom Field Exist"
Method Name: DeleteCustomField
Post information to URL:
Name Description
api_uId  *
api_key  *
FieldName  *
Method  *
System user api_uId
System user api_key
Name Of custom field user want To delete
To delete custom field from user account post Method property with value DeleteCustomField
Example Request:
  "api_uId": "your_api_uId",
  "api_key": "your_api_key",
  "FieldName": "Age",
  "Method": "DeleteCustomField"
Example Response:
  "response": "true",
  "FieldName": "age",
  "message": "Provided Custom Field has been successfully Deleted"
Method Name: SearchByUserInput
Post information to URL:
Name Description
api_uId  *
api_key  *
GroupId  *
searchField  *
searchText  *
sortBy  *
Method  *
System user api_uId
System user api_key
Lead's group Id where lead exist
System allow searchField is leadId or first_name or last_name or email or phone or mobile
Text user want to search
sortBy order leads searched results.Allow value is ASC or DESC
To search leads in user account by providing GroupId post Method property with value SearchByUserInput
Example Request:
  "api_uId": "your_api_uId",
  "api_key": "your_api_key",
  "GroupId": "1",
  "searchField": "first_name",
  "searchText": "Test",
  "sortBy": "ASC",
  "Method": "SearchByUserInput"
Example Response:
  "response": "true",
  "Results": [
    "LeadId": "5964",
    "GroupId": "",
    "Tags": "",
    "Firstname": "Test",
    "Lastname": "user",
    "E-Mail": "",
    "Phone": "3337991895",
    "Mobile": "3467991895",
    "CountryCode": "+1",
    "Zipcode": "",
    "City": "",
    "State": "",
    "Address": "",
    "Company": "",
    "Website": "",
    "Lead_Custom_Fields": ""
  "message": "Lead Records"
Method Name: SearchByCustomField
Post information to URL:
Name Description
api_uId  *
api_key  *
GroupId  *
searchField  *
searchText  *
sortBy  *
Method  *
System user api_uId
System user api_key
Lead's group Id where lead exist
System allow searchField is custom field
Text user want to search
sortBy order leads searched results.Allow value is ASC or DESC
To search leads in user account by providing Lead Custom Field post Method property with value SearchByCustomField
Example Request:
  "api_uId": "your_api_uId",
  "api_key": "your_api_key",
  "GroupId": "1",
  "searchField": "custom_field",
  "searchText": "custom_field_value",
  "sortBy": "ASC",
  "Method": "SearchByCustomField"
Example Response:
  "response": "true",
  "Results": [
    "LeadId": "5964",
    "GroupId": "",
    "Tags": "",
    "Firstname": "Test",
    "Lastname": "user",
    "E-Mail": "",
    "Phone": "3337991895",
    "Mobile": "3467991895",
    "CountryCode": "+1",
    "Zipcode": "",
    "City": "",
    "State": "",
    "Address": "",
    "Company": "",
    "Website": "",
    "Lead_Custom_Fields": ""
  "message": "Lead Records"
Method Name: Un_SubscribeLead
Post information to URL:
Name Description
api_uId  *
api_key  *
unsubscribeBy  *
unsubscribeValue  *
Method  *
System user api_uId
System user api_key
unsubscribeBy allow value is leadId or email or phone or mobile
leadId or email or phone or mobile value of lead user want to un-subscribe
To un-subscribe lead from system all services post Method property with value Un_SubscribeLead
Example Request:
  "api_uId": "your_api_uId",
  "api_key": "your_api_key",
  "unsubscribeBy": "leadId",
  "unsubscribeValue": "6016",
  "Method": "Un_SubscribeLead"
Example Response:
  "response": "true",
  "leadId": "6016",
  "unsubscribeBy": "leadId",
  "unsubscribeValue": "6016",
  "message": "leadId (6016)  has been successfully unsubscribed"
Method Name: UpdateExistingLead
Post information to URL:
Name Description
api_uId  *
api_key  *
LeadField  *
LeadData  *
LeadId  *
Method  *
System user api_uId
System user api_key
Allow LeadField is first_name or last_name or email or mobile or phone or city or state or zip or address or company or website or additional_Info .
leadId or email or phone or mobile etc value of lead user want to update
Id of lead to update
To update existing lead data post Method property with value UpdateExistingLead
Example Request:
  "api_uId": "your_api_uId",
  "api_key": "your_api_key",
  "LeadField": "first_name",
  "LeadData": "Support",
  "LeadId": "5976",
  "Method": "UpdateExistingLead"
Example Response:
  "response": "true",
  "LeadId": "5976",
  "UserField": "first_name",
  "UserData": "Support",
  "message": "Lead Field Updated Successfully"
Method Name: MoveLead
Post information to URL:
Name Description
api_uId  *
api_key  *
moveGroupId  *
LeadId  *
Method  *
System user api_uId
System user api_key
Id of group where lead to move. All previous groups will unlink by performing this action against any lead
Id of lead to move in new group
To move lead in new group post Method property with value MoveLead
Example Request:
  "api_uId": "your_api_uId",
  "api_key": "your_api_key",
  "moveGroupId": "5465",
  "LeadId": "5964",
  "Method": "MoveLead"
Example Response:
  "response": "true",
  "LeadId": "5964",
  "moveGroupId": "5754",
  "message": "Lead moved Successfully"
Method Name: CopyLead
Post information to URL:
Name Description
api_uId  *
api_key  *
copyGroupId  *
LeadId  *
Method  *
System user api_uId
System user api_key
Id of group where lead copied in
Id of lead to copy in new group
To copy lead in new group post Method property with value CopyLead
Example Request:
  "api_uId": "your_api_uId",
  "api_key": "your_api_key",
  "copyGroupId": "5787",
  "LeadId": "5964",
  "Method": "CopyLead"
Example Response:
  "response": "true",
  "LeadId": "5964",
  "copyGroupId": "5787",
  "message": "Lead copied Successfully"
Method Name: AddSingleLead
Post information to URL:
Name Description
api_uId  *
api_key  *
groupId  *
Minimum one field required(email and/or phone and/or mobile )  *
Method  *
System user api_uId
System user api_key
Id of group where lead is added
Default fields are first_name,last_name,email,mobile,phone,country_code,city,state,zip,address,company,website,additional_Info . Field other then above default fields will consider as custom field/s
To add single lead in provided group post Method property with value AddSingleLead
Example Request:
  "api_uId": "your_api_uId",
  "api_key": "your_api_key",
  "groupId": "5787",
  "tagId" : [1234,123],
  "first_name": "Support",
  "last_name": "Team",
  "email": "",
  "phone": "3465656235",
  "mobile": "3465656235",
  "country_code": "+1",
  "website": "",
  "company": "Courtyard by Marriott",
  "zip": "35000",
  "address": "152 W 10th St New York NY",
  "Sample Custom Field": "Sample Value",
  "Method": "AddSingleLead"
Example Response:
  "response": "true",
  "AddedleadId": 6034,
  "groupId": "5787",
  "message": "Lead has been added successfully"
Method Name: AddMultipleLeads
Post information to URL:
Name Description
api_uId  *
api_key  *
groupId  *
leads_array(max Size)  *
Minimum one field required(email and/or phone and/or mobile )  *
Method  *
System user api_uId
System user api_key
Id of group where lead is added
Maximum leads array limit is 100
Default fields are first_name,last_name,email,mobile,phone,country_code,city,state,zip,address,company,website,additional_Info . Field other then above default fields will consider as custom field/s
To add single lead in provided group post Method property with value AddSingleLead
Example Request:
  "api_uId": "your_api_uId",
  "api_key": "your_api_key",
  "groupId": "5656",
  "leads_array": [
    "first_name": "Support",
    "last_name": "Team1",
    "email": "",
    "phone": "3465656111",
    "mobile": "3465656111",
    "country_code": "+1",
    "website": "",
    "company": "Courtyard by Marriott New York",
    "zip": "35000",
    "address": "152 W 10th St New York NY",
    "Sample Custom Field": "Sample Value"
      "first_name": "Support",
      "last_name": "Team2",
      "email": "",
      "phone": "3465656222",
      "mobile": "3465656222",
      "country_code": "+1",
      "website": "",
      "company": "Courtyard by Marriott New York",
      "zip": "35000",
      "address": "152 W 10th St New York NY",
      "Sample Custom Field": "Sample Value"
    "Method": "AddMultipleLeads"
Example Response:
      "response": "true",
      "AddedleadIdsString": "6036,6036",
      "GroupId": "5656",
      "message": "Leads has been added successfully"
Method Name: FetchLeadFieldsName
Post information to URL:
Name Description
api_uId  *
api_key  *
Method  *
System user api_uId
System user api_key
To Fetch All leads fields POST request with FetchLeadFieldsName
Example Request:
      "api_uId": "your_api_uId",
      "api_key": "your_api_key",
      "Method": "FetchLeadFieldsName"
Example Response:
        "message":"Default and Custom Fields provided!"
Method Name: FetchLeadCallLogs
Post information to URL:
Name Description
api_uId  *
api_key  *
Optional  *
Method  *
System user api_uId
System user api_key
one value is Required (LeadId,LeadPhone,LeadEmail)
To Fetch Single leads Call Logs POST request with FetchLeadCallLogs
Example Request:
        "api_uId": "your_api_uId",
        "api_key": "your_api_key",
        "LeadId": "5964",
        "LeadPhone": "**********",
        "LeadEmail": "",
        "from_date": "2024-05-01",
        "to_date": "2024-12-31",
        "Method": "FetchLeadCallLogs"
Example Response:
        "response": "true",
        "Results": [
          "leadId": "5964",
          "lead_Name": "",
          "from_number": "3337991895",
          "to_number": "3337991895",
          "call_time": "Jul mm, yyyy 5:18 am",
          "transfer": "
          "state": "",
          "city": "",
          "duration": "",
        "message": "Lead Call Records"
Method Name: FetchLeadSMSLogs
Post information to URL:
Name Description
api_uId  *
api_key  *
Optional  *
Method  *
System user api_uId
System user api_key
one value is Required (LeadId,LeadPhone,LeadEmail)
To Fetch Single leads SMS Logs POST request with FetchLeadSMSLogs
Example Request:
        "api_uId": "your_api_uId",
        "api_key": "your_api_key",
        "LeadId": "5964",
        "LeadPhone": "**********",
        "LeadEmail": "",
        "from_date": "2024-05-01",
        "to_date": "2024-12-31",
        "Method": "FetchLeadSMSLogs"
Example Response:
        "response": "true",
        "Results": [
          "leadId": "5964",
          "lead_Name": "",
          "from_number": "3337991895",
          "to_number": "3337991895",
          "message": "test",
          "dated": "May 31, 2024 10:47 am",
          "status": "Sent",
          "messageId": "29898693"
        "message": "Lead SMS Records"
Method Name: FetchLeadRVMLogs
Post information to URL:
Name Description
api_uId  *
api_key  *
Optional  *
Method  *
System user api_uId
System user api_key
one value is Required (LeadId,LeadPhone,LeadEmail)
To Fetch Single leads RVM Logs POST request with FetchLeadRVMLogs
Example Request:
        "api_uId": "your_api_uId",
        "api_key": "your_api_key",
        "LeadId": "5964",
        "LeadPhone": "**********",
        "LeadEmail": "",
        "from_date": "2024-05-01",
        "to_date": "2024-12-31",
        "Method": "FetchLeadRVMLogs"
Example Response:
        "response": "true",
        "Results": [
          "leadId": "5964",
          "lead_Name": "",
          "from_number": "3337991895",
          "to_number": "3337991895",
          "group": "",
          "dated": "",
          "voice_file": "
          "duration": "",
        "message": "Lead RVM Records"
Method Name: addMemberUser
Post information to URL:
Name Description
api_uId  *
api_key  *
Method  *
first_name  *
last_name  *
email  *
inbound_phone  *
password  *
System user api_uId
System user api_key
To add member user post Method property with value addMemberUser
First name of user
Last name of user
Unique email of user
Inbound phone number
Password must contain minimum 8 characters. Alteast 1 Uppercase and 1 Lowercase character.
Example Request:
  "api_uId": "your_api_uId",
  "api_key": "your_api_key",
  "Method": "addMemberUser",
  "first_name": "Support",
  "last_name": "team",
  "email": "",
  "inbound_phone": "14087777111",
  "password": "a-sasdasdsA3",
Example Response:
    "response": "true",
    "message": "Team member added successfully."
Method Name: editMemberUser
Post information to URL:
Name Description
api_uId  *
api_key  *
Method  *
memberId  *
first_name  *
last_name  *
email  *
System user api_uId
System user api_key
To update member user post Method property with value editMemberUser
Member ID
First name of member
Last name of member
Inbound Phone number
Status ('Active','Inactive')
New Password (Password must contain minimum 8 characters. Alteast 1 Uppercase and 1 Lowercase character.)
Example Request:
  "api_uId": "your_api_uId",
  "api_key": "your_api_key",
  "Method": "editMemberUser",
  "memberId": "967",
  "first_name": "Support",
  "last_name": "team",
  "email": "",
  "inbound_phone": "14087777111",
  "member_status": "Active"
Example Response:
    "response": "true",
    "message": "Member updated successfully."
Method Name: getMemberUsers
Post information to URL:
Name Description
api_uId  *
api_key  *
Method  *
System user api_uId
System user api_key
To view all member users post Method property with value getMemberUsers
Example Request:
  "api_uId": "your_api_uId",
  "api_key": "your_api_key",
  "Method": "getMemberUsers"
Example Response:
  "response": "true",
  "data": [{
    "memberId": "3232",
    "first_name": "Support",
    "last_name": "Team",
    "email": "",
    "outbound_phone": "",
    "member_status": "Active",
    "type": "Member",
    "dated": "2018-01-11 17:29:43",
    "sip_setting": "",
    "sip_status": "no",
    "sip_ext": ""
  }, {
    "memberId": "3233",
    "first_name": "Support",
    "last_name": "team2",
    "email": "",
    "outbound_phone": "",
    "member_status": "Active",
    "type": "Member",
    "dated": "2018-01-11 17:29:43",
    "sip_setting": "",
    "sip_status": "no",
    "sip_ext": ""
Method Name: checkMemberLimit
Post information to URL:
Name Description
api_uId  *
api_key  *
Method  *
System user api_uId
System user api_key
To check remaining members limit post Method property with value checkMemberLimit
Example Request:
  "api_uId": "your_api_uId",
  "api_key": "your_api_key",
  "Method": "checkMemberLimit"
Example Response:
  "response": "true",
  "message": "record",
  "data": {
    "total_user": "10",
    "active_user": "8",
    "remaining_user": "2"
Method Name: deleteMemberUser
Post information to URL:
Name Description
api_uId  *
api_key  *
Method  *
memberId  *
System user api_uId
System user api_key
To delete member user post Method property with value deleteMemberUser
Example Request:
  "api_uId": "your_api_uId",
  "api_key": "your_api_key",
  "Method": "deleteMemberUser",
  "memberId": "434"
Example Response:
  "response": "true",
  "message": "Member deleted successfully."
Method Name: fetchCreditCount
Post information to URL:
Name Description
api_uId  *
api_key  *
Method  *
System user api_uId
System user api_key
To fetch user available credits post Method property with value fetchCreditCount
Example Request:
  "api_uId": "your_api_uId",
  "api_key": "your_api_key",
  "Method": "fetchCreditCount",
Example Response:
  "response": "true",
  "credits": "2500"
Method Name: creditDeduct
Post information to URL:
Name Description
api_uId  *
api_key  *
Method  *
System user api_uId
System user api_key
To deduct user available credits post Method property with value creditDeduct
Example Request:
  "api_uId": "your_api_uId",
  "api_key": "your_api_key",
  "Method": "creditDeduct",
  "description": "Some description..."
Example Response:
  "response": "true",
  "credits": "credits deduct successfully"
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